How to choose the right glassware for your laboratory

Glasswares are important assets in any laboratory. Good quality glassware help with accurate results and are easy to use. While purchasing glasswares for the lab few parameters such as quality of the glass, measurement markings, its strength, and certifications are of due importance. The way to achieve accurate results in any experiment is through the right set of glassware. So, it is of due importance to choose the quality of glassware equipment to perform different types of tasks in the laboratory.


We have gathered the different factors that should be taken into consideration while purchasing lab equipment. Let’s unfold them:

Quality and Durability


It is very important to buy very good quality glassware equipment. Finding whether glass or any other material is right for the work at hand depends on various elements such as instrument design, material features, and cost. However, glass is the priority in laboratories for many good reasons. Borosilicate glassware is used for experiments due to its high durability, inertness towards chemicals, and thermal resistivity.


To perform any tasks in the lab it is very essential that the product should be of the best quality.
Some of the different varieties of glassware items that are used in the laboratory are beakers,
volumetric flasks, measuring cylinders test tubes, glass Petri dishes, and others. So, it is very
important to choose the best brand of glassware equipment to perform different types of tasks. we
must confirm that the equipment you are going to acquire co-operates with the pre-arranged
standard specifications. To ensure functional performance, durability, and performance, picking a
good product from a well-known brand is recommended.

Type of Glassware

There are two types of glassware available for laboratory purposes.

  • Borosilicate glassware: These are favored due to their high durability, inertness to chemicals, high thermal stability and efficiency.
  • Flint glassware: These are used for general applications of experiments where the chemical aspects of compounds are not an issue. These are made from common glass.


Further, there are two types of glasswares depending upon the accuracy levels of the results.

  • Class A: This glassware provides higher accuracy levels due to the high resistance to defects. These are made from high-quality glass.
  • Class B: This glassware is also called student glassware and is used for common experiments that do not involve harsh chemicals. These are made with soda-lime material.


Before purchasing any particular glassware products which you are going to buy must work
for you. We have to confirm whether it is borosilicate or not. So, first, take a look into the technical
features and requirements of the product that include material solidity, ability to withstand high
temperatures, freezing and melting points for certain tubes and vials, strength, and durability.


Certificates confirm that the product has been tested for compliance with the appropriate standards. Borosilicate glass has good physical and chemical properties. It has the ability to withstand a high variety of chemicals and temperatures and has good thermal shock and mechanical stability. All lab technicians and analysts prefer borosilicate glassware for their work.

Handling and Cleanliness

Glassware needs to be easy to handle and efficient to save time. Cleaning glassware laboratory is very necessary at times and can be done by making use of different types of methods. The glassware can be cleaned easily if it is borosilicate or a good quality material because the contaminations and chemicals which is caused by experiments or any kind of tasks can be removed easily.

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